New Paintings & Prints Added to the Shop
Our shop has been updated with new t-shirts, coloring books, original paintings and drawings, and all new prints! Click here to see all...
New Mural Painted in Cancun, Mexico
Had the opportunity to battle the elements painting a mural during a rain storm in Cancun, Mexico 3 hours before my flight back to NY...
Stetz Express at Mystery Landers Festival Day 3
Day 3. Its hot. Festival is winding down. One more painting for good luck Quick hour painting HUGE THANK YOU TO THE MYSTERY LANDERS...
Stetz Express at Mystery Landers Festival Day 2
There's a significantly small span of time at a festival, usually around 4-6am, where you are met with a crucial decision to make.. Do I...
Stetz Express at Mystery Landers Festival in Narrowsburg, NY Day 1
Out of one festivals ashes rises another in Narrowsburg, NY. Mystery Landers Festival stands despite this years fall of Mystery Land. I...
New (smaller) Paintings
Here's a few more couple quick smaller paintings
New Paintings
The title says it all, here are some new paintings 4x5' all spray paint
Stetz Express at the Newburgh Illuminated Festival
This past Saturday was the first day of the year that the Stetz Express was open for visual pleasure at the Newburgh Illuminated Festival...