Interview with SprATX x Stetz
Click here to jump over to the SprATX website and check out the interview A taste... 'Eugene Stetz sent an email to the SprATX family a...
Stetz Opening at SprATX (no crowd photos)
Here is a more intimate look at my recent exhibition opening at SprATX enjoy :)
FINALLY! Fiiiiiinnnalallllllaalalalllllyyyy its Friday, its 4/20, its 5:30pm, the skies are clear, the show has been built, the DJ is on...
'Southbound Traveler Emanating Terrestrial Zeal' Exhibition Build
The culmination of 2 months creating the body of work for this show has been moved to the gallery. I created entirely too many works of...
New Mural at SprATX Gallery in Austin, TX
The SprATX Ignite Residency is nearing it's end point. As part of the opening exhibition this week I was also given the go ahead to paint...
Spratx Ignite Residency Studio Update (Final Before Show Opening!)
Southbound Traveler....... Emanating.. Terrestrial.. Zeal.............. will be the name of my opening exhibition at SprATX as the finale...
Collaboration with Tourmaline Todd at Cherry Cola Dog
Another Saturday edition of 'Art Will Save Us' On display was one of my new paintings that havent seen the sunlight until just now In...