Another New Mushroom Collaboration with Jomau
Depending on where you believe the origin Christmas story comes from mushrooms may or may not be the creators of the Christmas story this mural went through 3 stages, none of which were painted with purpose to become a collaboration and that is what makes it so fu*ki*g great :D stage 1 - painted orange back in October for the Coddiwomple Cathedral of Interactive Obscurities stage 2 - Jomau and one single can of blue paint sprayed away stage 3 - early December I added a touch of Christmas colors with the mushroom DNA strands

if any artists are willing to add a stage 4 to this mural email me and lets collaborate!!

also painted a mini mushroom on canvas for a friend

shoot me an email if you would like your own mushroom!

Big thanks to the Kingston Pop Museum for being a place for creativity to flourish Happy Holidays everyone!