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'Keepsie' the Hudson River Serpent

Earlier this fall artist John Breiner, Joe Pimentel, BoogieREZ, and I were teamed up by O+ Festival [Poughkeepsie] to collaborate on a mural paying homage to the original 'Keepsie' mural in Poughkeepsie, NY.

This mural was painted by Margaret Cranson over 2 decades ago. As a present 2019 team we decided to re-imagine 'Keepsie' the serpent in a combination of our 4 distinct styles

On the lower right hand corner of the original 'Keepsie' mural there is a short description of the Keepsie origin story. It reads: "According to Indian legend, a mighty serpent lives in the Hudson River. It is beleived to have been sighted by the 'Half Moon' in 1608, the 'Clermont' in 1807, and the 'Clearwater' in 1989. Some day you too, might catch a glimpse of this ancient creature" After we wrapped our mural I was intrigued to find out whether or not Keepsie were real. For 5 days I paddled up and down the Hudson River until my butt was numb and shoulders ached. On the final evening as my spirits were low and I was finally accepting that I may never find the mighty Keepsie, something began to breach the water near my kayak at sundown

hello friend.

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