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'Sunday Sessions' Mural at Catskill Arts

The good people over at Catskill Arts host a monthly workshop featuring a specific material of creation every first Monday. Whether it be charcoals, oil paint, or in this case, spray paint. For this edition of the Sunday Sessions workshop artist Annabelle Popa and I were each given provided with the necessary spray paint and caps before turning a steel shell into whatever we desire

Stetz, meet steel shell. Steel shell, meet Stetz. We are only here to help and beautify First, a couple preliminary sketches on the table. The sketches felt too heavily influenced by the artwork of another artist who I had been studying this month. The format was navigable but, the focal imagery required less detail

So I abandoned the sketches and begun with a face. A big ol' face

That face eventually took color and shape. As one little kiddo pointed out, 'He looks Spongebob' Upon hearing this, I stepped back.. and.. The little kid was right. Zero intention to create a Spongebob lookalike but I guess once you throw buck teeth on a rectangle you are in Spongebob recognizability-domain

A few hours later we have a final product

Thank you to Paul, Erin, and the rest of the Catskill Arts team!!

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