Foundation Walls Project in Asheville, North Carolina
After Heroes Convention in Charlotte I made way for Asheville on the advice of a children's yoga teacher who use to do graffiti in Miami, she suggested I check out The River Arts District before anything else .. And holy shit was that great advice, this place is an artists mecca! Well over the works of 100+ artists from every style on every wall. There were warehouses, cafe's, breweries, restaurant, skate park, artist studios, and more buildings under construction all covered floor to roof in murals. After walking around the place a couple times one specific painting stood out far and above the rest, this one right here by an artist named Gus Cutty

Luckily we live in a digital age where the ability to contact these artists is readily available. Quick Instagram search and I shot Gus a message complimenting his work and asking how to go about getting a wall.. Before that answer comes in here is a clusterfuck of art from around The Foundation Walls Project

With some tips from the guy who painted this stunning mural above, the passage to paint was granted.. Stay tuned for the second part of this blog to see the new mural