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Spratx Ignite Residency Studio Update

Week 3 into residency at SprATX. Sleep is a forgotten term. "Disco naps" are the appropriate term coined by miss Rachelle of the Flamingo Crew. Here are a couple photos of my studio space and the works in progress, all on found wood or materials given to me by those with excess..

To check out these works in their completed form my show will be at SprATX on

April 20th! Yes thats 4/20!

Yes I hope you indulge the holiday before coming! Yes it will enhance your experience! Yes there will be free booze! Yes you'll have a great time because even if you dont like the work DJ Chappie will be spinning funk ALL EVENING!! Party starts at 7pm

SprATX 2400 E Cesar Chavez St #316b

Austin, TX 78702

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