'Small Panels' Group Show at Cherry Cola Dog & Collab. w/ ER (Part 2)
Cherry Cola Dog hosted a unique art show allowing all artists to create a work of art on the same sized canvas. This gave the viewer the opportunity to explore how each artist would interpret their blank canvas and how each artist brings their ideas to life when faced with the same obstacle as all the other artists, a blank panel of wood.
During the Spratx Ignite Residency I was provided with a studio space to create artwork in that I was told is used for other events. I never asked what those events may be. The Friday before the art show at Cherry Cola Dog I started to create my work of art on the wooden panel. Shortly after I started a group of young men came into the studio and set up a monitor. Not too long after them even more people piled in, and then more people, then MORE people, all with a console or monitor in hand. As it turns out every Friday from 6-midnight there is a video game tournament hosted in the studio space. Personally I hate working in silence and love a good competition, regardless of the sport. It was a lot of fun to create this piece surrounded by 60+ people on what I had expected to be a quiet evening in the studio
My finished painting on display at Cherry Cola Dog (top painting)

As part of this show the owner of Cherry Cola Dog, Mike, setup a panel for ER and I to collaborate on again following our collaboration from last week

ER got started on the lines of the face as I played around with some abstraction along the borders and added a few touches to the skin

Quick break to check out the show Below is artist Jon McKenzie killing his live painting as usual

Back to it, ER added in some of his sharks before we began to give our lady some hair and final details

Our final product! Another super fun collaboration with ER! If you find yourself in Austin and have the opportunity to check out Cherry Cola Dog you can see this piece on display in the front of the gallery!

Give ER a follow at @erthink and Cherry Cola Dog @cherrycoladog to stay updated on events, shows, and works created by the artists showcased in their gallery