NEW VIDEO Collaboration Mural with Fred Wu
2 years ago the owner of the Kingston Pop Museum, John Stavros, commissioned me to paint a mural on the front of his building while construction was underway within. This is what it looked like..

Shortly after putting the final details on my mural the facade of KPM was completed and the mural was salvaged (most of it at least) by being moved to the backyard. 2 years to the day after finishing this mural up my good friend and partner in southern crime Fred Wu (@SquidShop) came in from Houston to spend a couple weeks with me. During his time here we extended the mural in the backyard to make room for Fred to join in and turn the mural into a collaboration

Watch the video below to see the painting process and hear some backstory of the murals inception

Breaktime for a steak and mantis lunch

John Stavros aka Olive Oil on the grill
After a couple days of good weather Freds section came to a close and brought intergalactic unity to our painting

Smooth sailing Fred!