Austin, TX Day 1
If you live in the American south, or anywhere for that matter, make the pilgrimage to the southern street art mecca, HOPE Outdoor Gallery in Austin, TX There's endless wall space to be painted, inspiration everywhere, and an artist painting a new piece at all times ..(this photo doesnt even show the entire place)

Upon arrival I was lucky enough to strike a conversation with an extremely talented local artist by the name of Emily Ding (@mleedle) who was painting a collaboration piece with Fred (@SquidShop) and Lyn Sweet (@LynSweetArt) under The Ugly Mermaids moniker

Close up of Emilys piece peeking out of the corner in that last photo:

Fred getting upside down

I posted up right next to them and got to work on my own wall painting a portrait piece..

The Ugly Mermaids wrapping up their collaboration, final touches by Lyn Sweet

Finished up my piece not too long after and just as the finishing touches were being applied my painting came to life and jumped out of the wall at random

Caught a hostage situation before leaving for lunch

Fred (@squidshop) had to leave for work and Emily, Lyn, and I decided to collaborate on a quick wall before the sun began to set. We each started in one section and switched every 10-15 minutes
Emily getting down(up) on some clouds

Lyn braving the concrete drop

Our finished piece, took about an hour

The creative powerhouses