Trash Fest Check-in
Thanks to The Wired Gallery, Margot Becker & Trash Fest (Ulster) I was given the opportunity to paint 2 walls in a town I never thought I'd get a (legal) wall in, my own hometown of High Falls! Due to a busy summer schedule and the unfortunate illness of a friend I was unable to finish both my walls by the opening of Trash Fest (click here to see photos) but I was able to complete the front wall of the Marbletown Transfer Station before this past Saturdays opening

The Hudson Valley Almanac Weekly did a write up on the festival and includes a little process shot of myself and this wall, click here to check it out.

The second wall I will be painting for the Marbletown Transfer Station is located in the back, on both of the trailers. Here's a sneak peak of the process so far..