New Video for my 'Gaea' Mural at Kingston Pop Museum

I recently collaborated with the Kingston Pop Museum, 320 Studios, and PMP Studios to bring a 20' mural to Broadway in Kingston, NY. With the approval of the cities Heritage Committee and mayor Shayne (with a Y) Gallo I was allowed to paint my depiction of our Mother Earth breathing life back into our planet from a cloud of ancient knowledge, symbols, and abstract flowing out of a galaxy system representing earth, wind, and fire. Throughout the painting are references to our solar system, hieroglyphics and symbols expressing lifes essential ingredients, depictions of life, love, and death, along with a map of the constellations visible from Earth

Nearly 99% of the work I do is all unplanned. I dont like doing pre-sketches (unless the city requires one and for those involved in this process know how that turned out), under paintings, grids, and especially stay away from projectors. For me the joy in painting comes from observing the finished product and trying to find the dialogue in what I just pulled from the realm of abstract. Sometimes Im able to decipher storylines or problems in my life that Im ignoring that take form in my paintings/sketches and sometimes I have no idea what the fuck I just created and throw that shit in the trash. Painting with nothing in mind gives the end product a different life to anyone who see's it. One of the most fascinating things for me to hear is how someone else depicts my artwork. This mural took me just under 3 days to complete and during that time on the street I got to meet more locals then I can remember. After the painting was finished a couple of people were nice enough to let me interview them on camera. I stuck mainly to one question, "How do you depict this painting?" Here are their answers
Big thank you to Jon Stavros, Brittany Carrol, Sam O'Sullivan for doing the audio in the video, Shayne Gallo, the city of Kingston, Jason for kickin some bars, Tessa for being the adorable 2 year old who loved the camera, the staff at Mannys for getting me the colors I needed, and everyone else I met while working on this project.